Home Journal A Few Changes and Updates To Tell You About

A Few Changes and Updates To Tell You About

by Katie Dawes

Hey guys!

So if you’re reading this then you’ve probably already noticed that my blog now looks very different!

A New Blog Design & Layout

For the past few weeks I’ve been talking with you guys over social media about changing my logo and the layout – and now you can all see the results!

Ready for a cheeky before & after?





What do you think so far? Let me know in the comments!

A New Logo

You might also have noticed that the logo has changed. The baby pink circle has been the icon for The Hostel Girl since the very start of the blog in 2014.

But to be honest, I’ve been getting increasingly tired of the baby pink brand colour. And I also wanted an image to go with it. So here’s another cheeky before & after…!



The Hostel Girl Logo MAGENTA Original CIRCLE 800px

And when it comes to the new logo, words can’t express how grateful I am to all of you that discussed this with me, either on Instagram or Facebook!

I might have been ready for The Hostel Girl to get an update. But at the end of the day it is you guys who make this blog possible every day. So thank you for all your help and contributions!

My call for help post on my Facebook Page reached over 5,700 of you! And over 600 of you took the time to comment on or like your favourite logo colour!

So, here are the results from that one post:

As you can see, the vote was pretty tight between the magenta colour I’ve chosen for the logo, and the dark blue. But as you get used to the new blog design you’ll soon see that the dark blue is now my secondary colour!

Updated Reviews

As I get time over the next few days I will also be adding ratings to my hostel review posts.

Essentially, I want to make it easier and easier for you guys to choose the perfect hostel. So the ratings will look a little bit like this…

A New eBook!

And for those of you paying very special attention, you may have noticed a button on my new homepage that reads ‘Buy My Book’.

That’s because I have a shiny new ebook coming out this Sunday!

Those of you already signed up to my newsletter will be the very first to hear about the book’s release! So if you’re not signed up yet, make sure to sign up now!

The book is called The Hostel Guide: The ultimate backpackers guide to staying and working in hostels in Europe and covers all the basics of hostel travel!

Which makes it the perfect companion for your summer trip to Europe! Or the perfect gift for a friend of yours on their first solo adventure!

And Finally, More Hostel Content

Recently I’ve been getting more and more positive feedback from you guys about my hostel reviews.

But there’s one small problem. Getting around all these fantastic hostels is time-consuming and expensive, for me and for the hostels involved!

So I’ve been trying to figure out ways to feature more hostels on this blog and I’m thinking of inviting the very best hostels (either that I know or that have been recommended by you guys!) to feature on the blog as an interview.

What do you guys think? If this is something you want to see, please let me know in the comments! And if you run a great hostel and want to be interviewed by me, then just drop me an email at katie@thehostelgirl.com!

Almost Done

As far as I can remember, that’s all I have to update you guys with for now.

So I just want to finish up by thanking all of you reading this one more time.

This blog is my baby. But it’s only been able to grow up because of your contribution as part of our hostel and budget travel community!

And I really, really appreciate every one of you!

P.s. I’ve still got a lot of small issues to iron out with this new layout. If you spot any broken links or anything that looks bad, it would be awesome if you could let me know!

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Emily July 4, 2017 - 3:17 am

It looks wonderful! Congrats on the update! I think it will serve you well. The new ratings system is great too.

Katie Dawes July 4, 2017 - 8:11 am

Thanks Emily! Glad you like the update and I’m pleased with the ratings system too… should help a lot! 🙂

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