Home Journal A Girl Can Dream

A Girl Can Dream

by Katie Dawes

Man alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man alone, can dream and make his dreams come true. – Napoleon Hill

Wanting something is the shift in attitude from having a dream, to making a dream a reality. Dreaming is the ability to imagine your life or a situation in a particular way, whereas wanting is being prepared to sculpt that imagination in to a reality.

Those who travel, whether it be long term or short term, do it because that’s what they want to do. Whilst some forms of travel can seem out of reach, the ability to work and travel or find cheap or even free accommodation, is becoming increasingly easier and more accessible to all who want it. It is fine to dream of travelling the world or starting your own business, but it won’t ever happen if all you do is dream.

Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men. – Goethe

Consider the most famous dream ever spoken aloud. Martin Luther Kind Jr. had a dream, but he was also a committed civil rights and humanitarian activist who organised non-violent protests and marches, and took action against the government. He wanted his dream to become reality so bad that he did everything in his power to make it so.

A reality in which none of us today have ever heard Martin Luther King Jr’s speech is not the same reality as one without the civil rights movement. It was not the speech, but the actions of many in favour of their dreams, that created the reality we live in today.

Birthday Wishes

For my 21st birthday my parents gave me a book of fairytales called ‘My Princess Treasury’. I’m not entirely sure why and if I asked them at the time I’ve now forgotten the reason they gave. And whilst it seems a silly present for any girl over the age of five, I always keep it close.

Say what you will about the portrayal of women in fairytales and their apparent inability to achieve a dream without a man’s help (I’m a psychology grad, I’ve heard it all before!). There’s something about having this book that reminds me to keep dreaming, keep wanting, and keep working towards my own little fairytale.

One in which I travel the globe endlessly, hostel to hostel, as a successful travel writer and ambassador for the hostel community.

…A hostel girl can dream right?

A Girl Can Also Lead

A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. – Colin Powell

So what is the point of this post? To inspire you to grab your travel dreams and run with them? Yes. To inspire you to grab your career dreams and run with them? Yes.

To inspire you to grab your life and transform it into your fairytale. Yes.

When we’re little, boys and girls alike are full of so many dreams, and so many of these are dictated by society. Unless you live in a black hole with no access to the internet aside from reading my blog (thanks, by the way) I doubt you’ve missed Emma Watson’s speech for the UN’s HeForShe campaign that went viral.

Well here’s another little bite of inspiration for you…

Dream, Girl

Never stop working towards your dreams.

Lots of Love,

guide to hostels

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